  Studiegidsen 2013-2014
Radboud UniversiteitStudiegidsenFaculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica > Master Information Science


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Gesorteerd op vaknaam

NWI-IMI002Architectural System Design  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IBK008Architectuur in de Digitale Wereld  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IMC012Bayesian and decision models in AI  stp: 6 ec
NWI-FNWI001Beroepsorientatie  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IMK003Business Rules Specification and Application  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IMK009Business Service Innovation  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBC017Calculus en Kansrekenen  stp: 3 ec
NWI-I00054Cognition and Representation  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IBC016Combinatoriek  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBC018Discrete structuren  stp: 3 ec
NWI-I00035Foundations of Information Systems  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IMI001ICT in a different culture  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IBK003ICT infrastructuren  stp: 3 ec
NWI-I00037Informatics and Society 2  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBI003Informatiesystemen (IS1)  stp: 6 ec
NWI-I00041Information Retrieval  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IMC006Law in Cyberspace  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IPC019Modelleren  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBI007Onderzoeksmethoden  stp: 3 ec
NWI-FMT015BProjectmanagement  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IMK004Reasoning with Computer Support  stp: 3 ec
NWI-I00152Research methods (master course)  stp: 3 ec
FNWI002Scientific English for Masterstudents  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IPC021Security  stp: 6 ec
NWI-I00153Security in organisations  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IMC021System Development Management  stp: 6 ec

Gesorteerd op OSIRIS vakcode

FNWI002Scientific English for Masterstudents  stp: 3 ec
NWI-FMT015BProjectmanagement  stp: 3 ec
NWI-FNWI001Beroepsorientatie  stp: 3 ec
NWI-I00035Foundations of Information Systems  stp: 6 ec
NWI-I00037Informatics and Society 2  stp: 3 ec
NWI-I00041Information Retrieval  stp: 6 ec
NWI-I00054Cognition and Representation  stp: 6 ec
NWI-I00152Research methods (master course)  stp: 3 ec
NWI-I00153Security in organisations  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IBC016Combinatoriek  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBC017Calculus en Kansrekenen  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBC018Discrete structuren  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBI003Informatiesystemen (IS1)  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IBI007Onderzoeksmethoden  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBK003ICT infrastructuren  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IBK008Architectuur in de Digitale Wereld  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IMC006Law in Cyberspace  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IMC012Bayesian and decision models in AI  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IMC021System Development Management  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IMI001ICT in a different culture  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IMI002Architectural System Design  stp: 6 ec
NWI-IMK003Business Rules Specification and Application  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IMK004Reasoning with Computer Support  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IMK009Business Service Innovation  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IPC019Modelleren  stp: 3 ec
NWI-IPC021Security  stp: 6 ec